domingo, 24 de maio de 2009

Ilustração para T-Shirt

«Anorexia is very serious and has an impact on both physical and mental health. Left untreated, anorexia can be fatal. People develop anorexia as a way of dealing with the conflicts, pressures, and stresses of their lives. Anorexia may be used as a way to express control when the rest of one's life seems out of control.»

«Anorexia is considered to be a professional disease of many catwalk models. It leads to depression, weakness and to much more serious health problems. The amount of death cases caused by anorexia continues to grow.»

«The media's obsession with painfully thin fashion models has contributed to the growth in eating disorders among young girls, according to the British Medical Association. A report by the association published on Tuesday identifies a link between the images of "abnormally thin" models which dominate TV and magazines, and the rise in conditions such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.»

«Se antes os ídolos da juventude eram os desportistas e os actores de cinema, agora são as modelos. Dedicam-lhes programas inteiros de televisão, a sua presença é a mais cotada nas festas, enchem as revistas chamadas de "imprensa cor de rosa" e para muitos homens são o troféu mais apreciado. Se, no passado, as mulheres queriam gerir Bancos, empresas ou pilotar aviões, hoje muitas só sonham em desfilar pela passarele e ser capa da "Vogue". »

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